FAQ and Contact Us

Basic Membership Questions

How do I purchase individual clips?

It’s simple! After signing up for the free Basic Membership, browse or search the site to find the stills, motions, countdowns, or mini movies you would like to download. When you do, click on the “Add to Cart” button on the right side of the page. When you’ve added all the files you’d like to purchase, click on the Cart icon in the top right corner of the site. From that page, enter your payments information and download your content.

How does the free trial work?

It’s easy! We added the free trial so people could try out the site before deciding whether to commit to the annual membership. So if you have never had a Media or Pro Membership before (and if you haven’t already used the free trial), then click on the orange “Unlock 30 Days for Free!” button in the upper right corner of the site. You will select either a Media Membership or Pro Membership and then have 30 days to download up to 50 files (Media) or 75 files (Pro). At the end of the 30 days, your card will be charged and your paid membership will being. If you don’t want the membership, just cancel before the 30 days are up, keep whatever media you’ve downloaded, and owe nothing.

Media Membership Questions

Are there restrictions to how many files I can download?


What are your resolution sizes?

Our newer 4k files are 3840 x 2160 pixels. Most HD files are 1920 x 1080 pixels. Most SD files are 1440 x 1080 pixels. The HD Triple Wides are 3840 x 720 pixels. Newer SD Triple Wides are 2880 x 720 pixels. The sizes of older Shift Worship media and that of some of the other producers on the site may vary.

What are Triple Wides? What is environmental projection?

Most of our media is available in Triple Wide versions. We call them Triple Wide because they are designed to be projected across three sections of screen (together or separated). Triple Wide versions are used with Environmental Projection. To learn more about (and see cool examples of) Environmental Projection, check out VisualWorshiper.com.

Pro Membership Questions

What are Photoshop and After Effects files and how do I use them?

Photoshop and After Effects are software made by Adobe. The are used mostly used to create, manipulate, and customize visual media. The Photoshop and After Effects files we include with our Collections in the Pro Membership will allow users to customize the text for still and motion images in that Collection.

What are transparent text layers and how do I use them?

The transparent text layers are PNG files with various text or images on them (“Welcome,” “Offering,” etc.) made to match a specific Collection. You can easily use them with the Photoshop file or with some presentation software to add matching text to customize any kind of media.

How do I enable my account for 1-click Dropbox Downloads?

First, you’ll need to have your own (third party) Dropbox account. It’s free. Go to Dropbox.com and sign up if you don’t have an account already. Then on our site, on any Collection page, click on the “Connect to Dropbox” button. That will take you to the Integrations area of your Account. Once you’re there, click on the “Connect to Dropbox” link. If you are currently signed in to Dropbox in your browser, that’s all you need to do. You’re connected. (You won’t have to do this again.) You’ll find your Shift Worship Media folder inside of the Apps folder in your Dropbox account.

Then go to any Collection and click on “Sync to Dropbox” on the righthand side of the page. That’s it! Very quickly, you’ll find all of the media from that Collection in your Dropbox and ready to plug into your presentation software.

NOTE: The media will download the versions of the files specified in your Media Preferences (HD v. SD, etc.). To adjust those preferences, go to your Account page and click on “Media Preferences” on the left side of the page.

What is the purpose of the Editable Hi-Res Print PSDs and what sizes do they come in?

These hi-res Print PSDs are different from the Photoshop files we include for customizing text on the still slides for projection. These come with a higher resolution for the purpose of printing the media for postcards, bulletins, or more. Print sizes include 8.5” x 11”, 6” x 4”, 8.5” x 5.5”, 5.5” x 5.5”.

What is the Streaming / Web License and what does it cover?

The streaming and web licenses gives you full, legal rights to include our media when streaming your service, as well as to share our media as part of your messaging on web sites and via social media like Facebook, Twitter, etc. Without the streaming and web license included with the Media and Pro Memberships, it is a violation of our copyright to display our content via streaming, web, or social media. With the license, you are in full compliance with the copyright and welcome to use our media on any of these platforms as much as you like.

Special Note about Mini Movies: This license does not allow mini movies to be uploaded to a web site or social media. (If you’d like to embed or share a mini movie, you are welcome to do so from our YouTube channel.) As a Media or Pro Member, however, you are licensed to stream mini movies as part of a streamed worship service under certain conditions.

If I no longer have a Media or Pro Membership, does the licensing agreement allow me to continue to post or stream Shift Worship content I downloaded when I did have a Pro Membership?

No. An active Media or Pro Membership is required to legally stream or post Shift Worship content online. We will not require that existing posted content be removed, but we do ask those without an active Pro Membership not to stream or post Shift Worship content online.

General Questions

What presentation software does your content work with?

Shift Worship media files will work with nearly every type of presentation software, including Pro Presenter, Media Shout, Easy Worship, Live Worship, Song Show Plus, PowerPoint, Apple Keynote, and more.

How does the auto-renewal process for Memberships work?

We use auto-renewal for both the Media and Pro Membership levels. This means that as long as the credit card in your payment profile is up to date and in good standing, your account will be charged for the price of your Membership every year on your date of renewal. This assures that there is never an interruption in your service or access to your Membership features. We work hard to make sure we never surprise you with a renewal or payment, however! We always send reminders to the email address on the account a couple of weeks in advance of the renewal to provide time to update payment information and/or change your Membership status ahead of being charged.

If I cancel my membership after one year or more, can I keep what I’ve downloaded?

Yes. You will always be licensed to use the content you've purchased within the church you purchased the media for.

What is a site license? How does licensing and ownership of Shift content work once I’ve downloaded it?

Your church or organization is licensed to use all of the content you download from Shift Worship. However, you are not licensed to use the content without restriction. The site license which is part of every Membership level allows you to freely share the media between the various ministries of your church (main service, youth, children, etc.), but it does not allow you to share the media outside of the walls of your church, with other churches or organizations. Additionally, only those with a Pro Membership are allowed to share the media via streaming, web, or social media. See the question above about those licenses.

What if I move or change churches after I’ve downloaded Shift Worship media to my computer? Can I still use that media at my new location?

We license our media in a similar way to that of most software companies. Essentially, your Membership comes with a single-organization license. So you should not use media that you purchased for “First Baptist Church” after you’ve moved to “Second Baptist Church.” Instead, we keep the cost low to enable each church to sign up for their own Membership at the level that works best for them. If you have specific questions about licensing of Shift Worship media, feel free to contact us at [email protected].

Still have questions?

Please fill out the form below or contact us at:

Shift Worship
[email protected]

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